All on 6 Dental Implants: Get rid of Dentures and false teeth hazards

Can you recall your earliest memories of false teeth? Was it of your great grandfather's dentures slipping away in an effort to say something?
Or the memories of your great grandfather's most cherished collection of dentures kept under the bathroom sink stayed with you all this time?

Well, whether your first experience of false teeth was watching your grandparents grow old and fragile, the truth of life is that you too will need a teeth replacement solution at a specific point in your life. The only difference is whether you will settle for the challenges and recurring expenses which come normally with removable dentures or you are not willing to compromise upon the quality of life and appearance. With all on six dental implants, you can bid farewell to the dreadful and unpredictable dentures for life.

All on 6 Dental Implants- An Overview

All on six dental implant procedure is employed to construct an individual's mouth again when they have lost a large number of teeth in either one or both jaws. This process allows a person the choice to have their teeth replaced with six natural looking and feeling dental implants. This technique does not need for bone grafting. This is why all on six implants serve the perfect solution for patients with low bone density or volume in their jaw.

This procedure is specifically designed to use six implants for immediate action. In this technique, upper and lower teeth are replaced with six implants that are anchored together. In general, this procedure involves three different steps that may include:

1. The surgeon places the six titanium implants in the jaw in a way that the bone will surround them to secure them into place.

2. The implants positioned by the surgeon in the rear part of the jaw in an angulated form to offer a maximum advantage to the existing bone structure.

3. When the implants are secure, the surgeon attaches the abutments in order to ensure that the replaced teeth can be fastened or adjusted. This provides maximum comfort and function.

All on 6 dental Implants- Benefits

There are many benefits of this procedure that may include a short recovery time, the need for bone grafting is eliminated, the further bone loss is reduced,  highly secure and comfortable, and easy maintenance and cleaning.

With so many benefits, a majority of dentists suggest people undergo this procedure.

Reasons why India is emerging as the new dental destination around the world:

With top-notch medical facilities, pharmacological units & blood bank, world-class surgeons, availability of best-grade medical instruments and equipment and affordable costs, India is emerging as the center for people seeking dental treatments available at a fraction of the cost.
If you need to undergo all on 6 dental implants, consult a credible surgeon working in an Indian facility now!

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Surgery-How is it Beneficial

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that involves a great deal of pain and is characterized by various symptoms including, swelling, tingling, paresthesia, numbness, loss of strength and coordination in the thumb, index, middle, or the ring finger.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a highly common nerve entrapment disorder that has been extremely prevalent during the last decade. This disease results from loss of muscle strength and length imbalance, which rests between the flexor muscles; these muscles allow the closing and opening the hand leading to the generation of severe pressure on the median nerve. Among various treatment modalities, surgery is considered as a common treatment option for this highly disabling condition. However, the patient need get into the discussion with the operating surgeon or the doctor to weigh the risks and benefits involved in the process.
To treat carpal tunnel syndrome, a series of invasive and non-invasive procedures can be used that may include, medication, exercise, wrist splinting, and corticosteroid nerve injections. Surgery is an invasive procedure, and it can be employed to provide temporary relief but not long-term relief has a relatively poor success rate. On the other contrary, a majority of patients can benefit from a number of conservative treatment techniques. However, without a shadow of a doubt, surgery remains the only option for treating persistent, debilitating pain along with muscle flattening, deteriorated grip or grasping etc.
Surgical methods to treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome that may include open hand surgery and endoscopic surgery. While open hand surgery is highly invasive, endoscopic surgery is a far less invasive technique wherein the incision is made passing through the muscle in the palm. The symptoms of this disease can include a great deal of pain along with numbness usually begins to improve in the first eighteen days after the endoscopic surgery and 38 days after the open release surgery. Following the surgery, muscle coordination, control and strength may start to worsen, and some people may take few months to resume preoperative status. However, this will depend on the type of procedure performed, severity, age and length of injury before surgery. It may take almost two years to accomplish a good level of improvement.
In case, you suffer from symptoms such as pain, numbness, tingling sensations or more, consulting a doctor and undergoing diagnostic procedures is the key to an early recovery. Find a suitable treatment facility in India and look for a renowned surgeon who can perform carpal tunnel syndrome surgery with absolute precision now!

Bariatric Surgery- Its Types and Cost

The term bariatric surgery can be derived from the Greek word called "baros" which means weight while surgery is the procedure used. Bariatric surgery is used to cure obesity by cutting down on the intake of calories an individual can digest. The surgeon performs this surgery in an effort to reduce to the size of the stomach along with the length of the small intestine. With the help of this method, the amount of food consumed by the concerned individual stays under a limit. In addition, the patient's anatomy of the digestive system is altered.

Patients who are overweight need to keep maintain their weight in order to remain healthy and cut down the rate of complications to a minimum. This is because, an overweight or obese person tends to attract a lot of health issues including, heart problems, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and more. To maintain their weight, these people are suggested to follow a healthy lifestyle and follow a strict diet regime. However, when the person's weight exceeds beyond a point, reducing weight by following a healthy lifestyle isn't enough. In such cases, surgery remains the only option.

Bariatric surgery, also known as weight loss surgery involves a wide range of surgical procedures performed to treat obesity. In this procedure, the gastrointestinal tract of the patient is modified in order to cut down the rate of nutrient intake and absorption to a minimum. While surgery is an elementary part of this weight-loss procedure, the patient needs to follow the post-operative instructions carefully in order to assure a fast recovery.

A surgeon uses various types of bariatric surgical methods in order to reduce the person's weight including, roux-en-y gastric bypass, laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding, sleeve gastrectomy and duodenal switch with biliopancreatic diversion.

With so many benefits associated with the bariatric surgery, one should pay heed to the fact that surgery is not regarded as an appropriate treatment protocol for everyone. People suffering from various issues such as diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease or sleep apnea are advised not to undergo a bariatric surgery as it may more harm than good.

One of the most common bariatric surgery methods includes gastric banding and gastric bypass. Bariatric surgeons perform these operations using open surgical techniques as well as invasive laparoscopic techniques that involve a diverse set of equipment like video monitors. There can be two types of treatment approaches used- open surgery and laparoscopic surgery. Depending on which approach will benefit and suit the patient most, the definitive type of the approach is used. The recovery time period for patients who have undergone open surgery and laparoscopic surgery differ. For the former approach, recovery period ranges from 2 to 3 weeks, while the recovery period of the latter approach ranges between 4 to 6 weeks.

After understanding the benefits and details of the bariatric procedures, one must become aware of an excellent treatment facility that specializes in offering all types of bariatric surgical procedures at a fraction of the cost. Bariatric surgery cost in Hyderabad, Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai and various other metropolitan cities in India is significantly lower than that in other countries including, US and UK. Hence, India is a befitting choice for people seeking quality assured and low-cost bariatric treatments as such.

Reasons for undergoing a Plastic surgery in India explained

The term plastic surgery has been derived from the Greek word plastikos, which means pertaining to moulding.
plastic surgery procedure emanated from India; the origins of plastic surgery can be traced back to India in roughly around 600 BC when world-class medical practitioner Sushruta executed successful operations on convict's nose and earlobes that were amputated.

Now, India is again in the news as its flourishing cosmetic industry gained momentum. This article will help you become aware of the primary three reasons that serve as major contributing factors in driving a horde of people from around the world to consider India for meeting their cosmetic needs such as plastic surgery treatment.

Cosmetic Surgery in India

With improvements in the healthcare facilities in terms of infrastructure, availability of world-class medical equipment, experienced and skilled health professionals and cost-effectiveness, India is emerging as one of the most sought-after medical destinations in the world. This has offered a major boost to Indian medical tourism.
Plastic surgery is one of the most preferred treatment modalities for International patients today. Such patients can travel to India and pursue high-quality cosmetic treatments such as plastic surgery at a lower price. When compared to countries like US and UK, the cost offered by the Indian medical units is marginally low.
India has managed to gain one of the apex positions when it comes to medical tourism. The rate of growth of medical tourism in India is more than 30%, which is expected to increase over the time. Due to this fast pace, medical tourism in India has become a multi-billion pound business.
Now, India has stepped into a new era of medical outsourcing where the subcontractors aim to provide services to overstretched healthcare systems in western countries, such as the UK National Health Service. At present, India educational units are offering medical training to 30,000 doctors and nurses each year which helps in meeting the growing demand for medical services.

Quality Expertise:

There is almost nobody who has not heard the fearful anecdotes about failed plastic surgery operations where the patient remained scarred for life. For people who dread plastic surgery and plastic surgeons, India is the best choice indeed. As a matter of fact, India is home to myriad premium-grade medical facilities that are not only on par but even beyond with any other facility in the world. Indian plastic surgeons have gained recognition in executing complex cosmetic procedures successfully.
Indian surgeons have the necessary expertise and years of experience in performing cosmetic surgeries such as  Hair restoration(hair implants, hair flaps, and scalp reductions), Rhinoplasty, (reshaping or re-contouring noses), Facelifts, Eyelift, Brow lift, Submetal lipectomy, Demabrasions, Laser hair removal, Otoplasty, Chin and cheek enlargement, Lip reductions, Surgery for breasts and  Liposuction.


With medical facilities of International stature, renowned medical expertise, availability of medical equipment and instruments, affordable costs and other secondary factors like friendly ambiance and robust transport system, India is fast becoming the premium choice for patients looking for quality-assured plastic surgery treatment at an affordable cost.
So, don't twice and enhance your appearance by removing your imperfections by getting a plastic surgery in India without spending oodles of money now!

What are the Benefits, Costs and Risks of Anterior Cervical Corpectomy Spine Surgery in India

Cervical Corpectomy Spine Surgery: Definition

Cervical corpectomy, a procedure similar to surgical intervention techniques like anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF), is done through the front of the neck. Corpectomy involves a technique of removal of the vertebral body, one of the cardinal parts of the cervical vertebra that appears like a building block. This particular spinal surgery approach is used when the need for eliminating two or more cervical discs arise. It is easier to get rid of two or more discs along with the intervening body or bodies for some patients. This holds true when the patient has osteophytes or bone spurs behind the body with narrow disc space. Apparently, the surgeon gets a large exposure by removing a cervical body that allows him or her to function through instead of working down the narrow disc space. Corpectomy is performed due to almost the same reasons as an ACDF. The only difference is corpectomy is employed when there are either two or more disc levels associated with bony spurs pressing on the spinal cord, or less often, for treating tumors of the cervical spine.


There are a multitude of benefits of anterior cervical corpectomy, such as
1. This procedure involves fewer complications, almost seven times lesser than other techniques including fusion.
2. The outcome of this procedure is highly encouraging- the mortality rate is quite low.
3. This rate of loss of blood in anterior cervical corpectomy is at least ten times lesser than the rate in conventional surgical procedures.
4. The possibility of possible nerve damage during the surgery is low.
5. The use of a general anesthetic is avoided in performing an anterior cervical corpectomy.

Cost involved:

The cost of anterior cervical corpectomy spine surgery in India is significantly lower than that in countries like US, UK etc. Having said that, there are a few factors that can determine the costs that may include,
1. Choice of surgeon
2. Choice of hospital
3. Extent of spinal damage in the patient
4. Hospital stay


Like other surgical procedures, anterior cervical corpectomy involves a host of risks including,
Infection: Infection around the wound is possible. It may require few dressings and some antibiotics to treat such infections.
Infections that have gone deeper may call for the need for further treatment.
 Treating such infections is necessary as it may affect the cerebrospinal fluid present around the nerve roots and spinal cord, which is known as meningitis.


The patient can experience nerve or spinal cord damage leading to muscle weakness before the surgery. There are chances that the spinal cord may get squashed or get injured owing to the manipulation done while freeing the nerve or spinal cord. This type of damages can lay a severe impact on the capacity of the bladder and bowel.


Though the chances of death are extremely rare, the person being operated may get a myocardial infarct as a result of the stress caused during the surgery (a rare reaction to a drug called anaphylaxis).

Anterior cervical corpectomy spine surgery in India

A horde of patients come to India to get this surgery done due to two significant reasons including quality of services and price. In fact, the price is the major selling point- "First World treatment' at Third World prices".
As Indian premier hospitals are on par, if not better than the most sought-after hospitals in the world, the country is becoming a preferred medical destination for patients around the world.

Oncology and its importance in today's world

Everybody knows about cancer and what it can do to the human body. Perhaps the most dreaded (for good reason) and hard to treat the disease to ever hit homo sapiens, cancer claims millions of lives across the world every year.

But few pay attention to what's being done to battle cancer. Apart from a large number of casualties, today, fighting cancer is a possibility. This is where oncology comes in. A branch of medical studies, oncology is dedicated to the studies of cancers and tumours and works towards advancements in treatments to eradicate the disease in time.

Before diving deeper into oncology, let's understand how old cancer is itself.
Early evidence of cancer can be found among fossilised bone tumours, ancient manuscripts and human mummies of ancient Egypt. Various bone abnormalities were found in these mummies, who dated back to about 3000 BC. The papyrus described these conditions to be “incurable”.

What does an Oncologist do?

Doctors who practice oncology (the specialised study of cancer) are called oncologists. Various oncologists have various specific roles. They understand the working and spread of cancer cells, help in the diagnosis of cancer, staging it, and grading the aggressive nature of cancer.

The Oncology Utility-Belt

The most important tool that oncologists have at their disposal when treating a patient is the clinical history of the patient. Common symptoms that point towards cancer include fatigue, weight loss, unexplained anaemia, fever of unknown origin etc.

Other methods like biopsy or extraction of bits of the tumour tissue and examining it under the microscope. Endoscopy inside the oesophagus, imagery techniques like X-rays, MRI scans, ultrasound and other radiological techniques are also used for diagnosis.

The Types of Oncologists

Oncologists usually fall in one of three major categories- Medical oncologists, who treats the cancer with chemotherapy and medications. Surgical oncologist who removes the tumor and affected tissues. Radiation oncologist who treat the patient with radiation therapy.
Treatment of a patient may also involve other relevant specialists. The oncologists are however, the coordinators of the team.

Maintaining Treatment

After the completion of initial therapy, it is the oncologist who is responsible for the further care of the patient to prevent cases of relapse (recurrence) and ensuring remission (remaining cancer-free)

Predictive analysis

Oncology research also involves scanning the population for the disease and screening relatives of patients who have been affected as well in hereditary cancer origin cases.

Oncology going strong

There has been more progress in advanced oncology now more than ever before. Advancements in areas ranging from cancer cell biology to chemotherapy regimens and optimal palliative care and pain relief have proven that Cancer treatment has come a long way and has a continuously changing future.

If you're looking for cancer treatment but may not be able to handle the incurred costs, look for treatment options elsewhere where you can get reputed and quality treatment for much lower prices. For instance, consider Colon cancer treatment cost. The colon cancer treatment cost in India is much lower than what it would cost a patient being treated in say the US or UK. If you're coming from abroad, look for organisations that help you find some of the best oncologists and hospitals in India, and you could save a good amount of funds. 

Why Medical tourists are Choosing Kolkata to seek Medical Treatments

For an extended period of time, India has been regarded as one of the most sought-after tourist destinations in the world. And, with the advent of technology, improvements in state-of-architecture, access to premium-grade quality instruments and knowledgeable doctors along with other healthcare professionals, India has gained enormous popularity as a cost-effective option for medical tourists as well.

As a matter of fact, in the recent years, India's tourism and medical industry have collaborated to offer highly-specialized medical treatments to patients around the world at a fraction of the cost. Some of these treatment protocols include liver transplant, heart surgery, kidney transplant, knee replacement surgery, to name a few.

Why Kolkata?

The cost of medical treatment in India is significantly lower than that in countries like US, UK, Australia and Canada. Every year, a fairly large of people from these developed countries fly to India to avail best-quality medical services, especially in Kolkata. The cost of various treatment methods and surgical interventions including heart surgery, Bariatric surgery, knee replacement surgery etc. is almost half in the hospitals based in Kolkata as compared to the what it is in treatment facilities of US, Germany, Canada and more.

The US is regarded as a high priced country particularly in terms of medical expenses; hence, a growing number of Americans are travelling to India to seek medical assistance for treatments that involve minor as well as significant surgeries.

Kolkata has the best healthcare facilities such as Fortis, Apollo, and more that is home to top-notch medical practitioners who have the expertise to offer best-in-class medical services to patients, both local and global. With the access to qualified doctors and surgeons, modern-day medical instruments and skilled medical staff, these hospitals have gained popularity in providing most exceptional medical and surgical procedures that match the International Standards. Along with the conventional procedures, such medical establishments have the access to professionals specialized in Ayurveda and other natural therapies.

Premier healthcare facilities in Kolkata are equipped with latest medical equipment and knowledgeable team of doctors who can perform even the most challenging surgeries in an efficient and timely fashion.

Another primary reason why people from all over the world come to India to seek medical treatments is the easy availability of medical loans. Almost all the healthcare and treatment facilities In Kolkata offer medical loans to both national and International patients at zero or minimal interest rates. For this reason, Kolkata has emerged out to be a medical paradise for people who lack medical insurance or don't have enough money to meet medical emergencies. Not just that, companies such as Reliance medical finance, Care credit etc. offer a ray of hope to people to fail to pay their medical bills by providing them easy loans.

In case, you are looking for a cost-effective treatment in India, Kolkata is your best bet. You can contact renowned hospitals in Kolkata to avail first-class treatments  at reasonable costs, without compromising quality. 

All on 6 Dental Implants: Get rid of Dentures and false teeth hazards

Can you recall your earliest memories of false teeth? Was it of your great grandfather's dentures slipping away in an effort to say so...